Thursday, March 04, 2010

Thursdays with Julia

It's presumptuous to give this blog entry such a presuming title, but I couldn't resist. Thursdays with Julia sounds like a tradition, rather than a first time endeavor inspired by watching Julie and Julia. One thing is for sure, there will not be cooking of the boeuf bourguignon caliber every Thursday (or cooking at all, for that matter). But... for now... here is to tradition:

A little messy? But this is JULIA's boeuf bourguignon. My friend and I didn't eat dinner until ~10 pm. The 3 cups of red wine is not subtle, especially when one opens the oven door to stir the pot -- the Swift of alcohol mixed with the hot oven says stand back! It also says I'm not ready yet...

Straight from the oven, bubbling in the dutch pot, this dish is heartwarming. I was lucky to share it with a friend, who googled for the original recipe and studied it many times over before we started to sear the bacon. But, this is also the dish for the meals I eat alone, on my sofa or by my desk... It will fill up all the empty spaces, inside and out.

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