Sunday, August 11, 2013

the Hunger Games part II

All is well that ends well, and I'm proud of my husband for sticking to his guns and detoxing for 48 hours.  In the end, he didn't finish two gallons of the horrid lemon water juice.  That may have been the worst part.  We are back to eating three square meals a day, happily together.

Loving the apparatus.  Imagine laying on the floor, staring at these half balloon, half cloud, somewhat whimsical, totally inspiring creations.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

the Hunger Games

This has not been a good week (or month, for that matter).  The only redeeming factor is now gone - my happy, cheery, supportive husband, has turned into a grumpy, mopy, irritable impostor.  It all started with an innocent and HEALTHY notion of a juice detox that he read about somewhere and started to talk about over the past few weeks.  I was ALL for it, always nagging him to eat healthier (and lesser?), even picked out the exact dates for him to try.  TODAY and tomorrow!

There may have been a selfish ulterior motive as well.  I envisioned less time worrying about what to cook and eating whatever I want (not exemplary myself in either food selection or portion control) for 48 hours.  In short, a mini-holiday from cooking and feeling guilty about not cooking.

Oh how it backfired on me from hour 0, when S realized that detox means no coffee.  I knew he was in trouble when I took a sip of his diluted, sour, water+lemon juice that made my nose wrinkle.  Really, I expected more from Whole Foods.

We are in too deep now, but I want my husband back.  In conclusion - detox should be done on your own time when it won't have to be witnessed by loved ones.  Because really, hunger is hard to watch.