Monday, January 17, 2005

Finding Neverland exceeded all my expectations. I have always read about movies that make one cry in one second then laugh in the next, I just never experienced it until tonight. Jonny Depp, the perfect blend of vulnerability and strength… it’s all in the cheekbones, I’m convinced. I think the next time I see Kate Winslet, I might just tear up in remembrance of her tonight. I tried to keep my tearing/sniffling under control for those sitting near, but midway through it, I thought what the heck, I only live once.

She lives in every page of your imagination.

Oh it’s too late to talk about the New Year, suffice to say that loud music+murderous smoke+ghetto dance is not my scene. However, I am more than happy to put up with it for one night to spend time with high school friends that I may never gather with again. My birthday? Spending it at home was the icing on top of my perishable ice-cream cake!

Present goal – I CAN do math and I WILL save money!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!
I for one, am glad to see you are blogging again. I thought you had gone underground permenantly. well I have to agree with you about Mr Depp if you reflect on his body of work it is easy to see that he is much a kin to my other favorite character actor Robert Deniro or Bob as I like to call him. yes.. indeed Finding Neverland was almost as inspiring as Peter Pan itself, which was the work of real genius.
But what truely amazes me about John is his agelessness. Does the guy look like a 40 year old man? I wonder what will he look like at 60?
Do you think he sold his soul to devil?
I think i read somewhere he was a vegatarian which really brings up a subject that has been bothering me lately. Do you think Meat is murder?
did you hear about the guy that got 6 years for killing a dog.. another guy killed two people and only got 7.5 years.. it seems we think of dogs as highly as humans. I can't argue we shouldn't, but i happen to know that pigs are just as smart and aware, and the other day someone told me about how they react when they put them on the "conveyor of death" at the slaughter house.. I don't see how we consider ourselves civilized when the state sanctions murder, not just of pigs, etc.. but also of humans convicted of crimes. No we are not civilized at all. we are just powerful and that makes everything ok i guess.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have some verbose (and surprisingly loyal) readers. -Not so anonymous