I haven't been very successful at taking naps lately. Remember freshman year when I had 10 minutes after lunch before Chemistry lab to climb up my bunk bed and take a nap, which I did. I know I age a hundred years by saying this but I really think it's the nerves. I have too many random/useless thoughts floating in my head that attack me as soon as I close my eyes in the middle of the day.
I haven't seen my friends in forever... Actually it's only been 48 hours, but it feels like forever.
naps? forgetaboutit! wait a few more years.. those same thoughts will attack you at night as well. It becomes impossible to get more than a few hours sleep during work weeks.. too much stress! the only things that works for me is anaerobic exercise. aerobic exercise makes you wired.. but anaerobic seems to make me sleep like a baby.
Something about this blog seems to draw readers with an interest in anaerobic exercise; there are at least three of us. But anonymous 2 doesn't think anaerobic exercise has the same relaxing effect on the female organism.
anonymous 1
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