Tuesday, October 10, 2017

My luck still hasn't turned around... I'll give you some examples why...

Took my new one week old car to get some extra gears installed at the dealership.  At pickup, realized a NEW SCRATCH!  WTF.

Olivia wakes up randomly at 3AM with urticarial hives all over.  No offending foods given.  WTF.

S, for the first time since I have known him, can't shake a cold in 48 hours.  It's been a week and he is still coughing. WTF.

These are only inconveniences I know, and I gladly take them over any real catastrophe.  I'm just saying that my new lucky purchase perhaps hasn't quite panned out...  Well I love it all the same anyways.

In the meantime, we are knee deep into my favorite month.  There isn't a hint of chill in the air.  I need a sign, some hint of autumn yet to come.

22 weeks and counting.  My second pregnancy is trudging along.  I have gained about 15 lbs, give or take a few.  I look and feel so. much. bigger.  I don't even glance at my skinny jeans, while stubbornly trying not to buy any new clothes for this final and last pregnancy (yes pretty sure).  I try to imagine our life with another baby, so far, it's still surreal.  It seems that Olivia takes up every extra nook and cranny of our days.  I try to imagine her as an older sister, and tear up.  It's hard to imagine loving anyone THAT much.

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