Saturday, March 07, 2015

It's getting very real in here...

Nothing like a new baby to shake life up; consider mine shaken.  Baby Do came home with us a little more than three weeks ago and it feels like a lifetime already.  A lifetime of diapers, lifetime of breast milk, lifetime of sleepless nights and groggy days.  There is also love and a cuteness inconceivable before having her, but oh how they were blurred by my tears.  The one sentence I say over and over, and will probably think for years to come, is no one told me how hard this is.

That isn't true, of course.  People have told me how hard this is.  Just like most experiences in life, words cannot quite capture.  Being a new parent, for me, has been quite a transition.  I'm slowly letting go of the deep sadness knowing that my old life is gone forever.  I miss my husband all to myself, miss my quiet time, miss sleep (oh how I miss sleep).

In return, I have the perfect baby.  She has little moon shaped eyes that curve downward when she makes faces (most of which I'm still deciphering).  She has full bottom lips and sweet demure upper lip, with the cutest pink tongue which she likes to stick out at us.  She is a lady and looks great in hats.  She isn't a lady when it comes to eating or pooping.  We stare at her endlessly when she is sleeping, for truly, nothing is sweeter than a sleeping baby.  She never turns down a paci, and is forever staring at the blank ceilings around here like it's the Sistine Chapel.  She is dealing with her infant acne with uncomplaining patience, she also has moments of unparalleled fussiness.  Despite all the overwhelming changes and newness of everyday, it doesn't escape me the bittersweet fact, she will only be this small once...

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