Saturday, February 24, 2007

Yesterday in the elevator, I finally talked to the old Chinese lady with the baby stroller. An ever so soft "ni hao" barely left my mouth, when she expounded onto what is a rather shy greeting with -- are you chinese, where are you from, is this elevator going to the ground floor? And I, returning so swiftly to my Chinese roots, was ever so polite. I answered all her questions, punched the right floor for her, talked to the baby in the stroller, and walked out of that elevator feeling ridiculously happy to speak Chinese to a total stranger.

Linda Lee -- any hope you might revive your blog?
Me -- but I feel like a trespasser last time I went.


Maria said...

A similar thing happened to me but on a shuttle. You're finally back on blogger! yay

Linda said...

Tian! Your return was so quiet that I almost missed it!

Linda said...

Me 3! I helped Chinese people apply for citizenship this weekend, it was fun!