Monday, July 31, 2006

One shouldn't worry so much what happened yesterday, because you never know what will happen tomorrow.

That is my advice to myself as I sit here, book open, mind a million miles away. I haven't quite made up my mind to end this distraction, so you might say I'm indulging a bit before the crack down.

From this view out of the MEB window, New Orleans is beautiful. The clear glass reflects the clear night, with a distant cathedral top fluorescently lit up. My own reflection interrupts the view, but an imprint, an outline. I can focus in and focus on myself... or I can look beyond, and ponder the woos of the world.

But either way, you see, the night is wasted... for chapter 6 immunology came and went... leaving me no wiser.

1 comment:

the warrior said...

I just stumbled on to your writing and must say, congrats. You write with streaks of brillance that are rarely seen and even less often read. Keep writing...we will keep reading with your permission.