Sunday, December 12, 2004

I bought a beautiful brown fur throw for my parents today! It was expensive, but not impossibly so. Never did I think I would push that credit card limit so close; it literally screamed when the sales person at Pottery Barn swiped it across the machine … I just couldn’t pass it up, knowing my mom’s love for fur. All the money I waste, this is definitely something worth purchasing for the two MOST important people in my life. I’m becoming too old to buy them slippers, lotion, jewelry… I want my present this year to say not only “I love you”, but also “please don’t worry whether I can take care of myself because I can even take care of you!"

Did you get your Fresca, Linda? Thank you thank you for your company!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Yes thank you I did get my Fresca! I even got one yesterday too.

**(a ghostly voice saying) come for new years...come for new years...**