Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Minutes before what could be my last departure from Houston for Thanksgiving break, definitely my last departure from Rice. Xiao Yu A Yi’s whole family is going home with me. It’s about time. After four years of intruding upon their family and shamelessly leaching on their generosity, it is time that I play the host and pay a little back… with my mom’s fabulous cooking. I don’t know how I would have survived that second year without them… in fact, I’m convinced I wouldn’t have.

When in Vogue, one must read between the pictures. Untrue to popular belief, the words are not there as filler to texturize the clothes. No, the clothes stand on their own, and the words moved me to tears one Saturday morning.

"She doesn’t know yet that clothes don’t make the woman, that contentment doesn’t arrive from the outside, a special sweater to put on that will change the way you feel in the world. She doesn’t know that she’ll get there a different way, to contentment: by following a long path she can’t imagine right now. In fact, she doesn’t know much at all. It’s a good thing she’s going to college."

There is a moment in Sex and the City that gets to me EVERY time… when Carrie says to her friends – what if I had never met you?

What if I had never met you?

It is laziness on my part that I would rather click a link and read a blog, rather than pick up the phone and dial a number. I just hate playing catch up. There are blog moments everyday that couldn't possibly be recounted elsewhere -- when listening to Enya and cramming Pilates journal, when giggling at corny jokes on the back of taffy (or am I giggling at the look on Maria’s face when I read these corny jokes), and when economically squeezing in shopping/studying/making money into the next 48 hours…

My biggest charge on my credit card – Carnival Cruise, here I come! Oh I can’t wait till March… So many things could happen in three months… such as my six-pack abs and Madonna arms. Hehehe


Maria said...

Hope you've had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Tell me if Alexander was good.

Michelle said...

Carnival Cruise!?! Seriously? That's so fun! I want to go on a cruise. I might go skiing for spring break. I'll probably break something, but oh well. There's a cold front moving through. By tonight it will feel like winter again. I'm excited. Can't wait to make good holiday food when I get back home. I like warm weather, but there's just something special about winter and Christmas and the way it makes me feel. So warm and happy. It really is the most wonderful time of the year. But now I've gotten off subject, and this is getting long. I'll have to write another blog, I guess.:)