I have been doing Pilates since May. Three months after having Isla, I felt so weak. There was no core to speak of. Everything was soft and mushy. I took Olivia to the playground and attempted to hoister myself up a rather high step while holding her (except... it wasn't that high). My leg almost gave out. It was embarrassing. I have always prided myself on having some sort of exercise routine, but I have let myself go... for the past two years. It's not anything other people can tell, it's not like I gained a lot of weight. But I can tell. I was flabby, weak, out of shape, and out of breath.
Enters Pilates.
It was both hard and gentle, exactly what i needed in my post partum state. Unlike the more grueling exercises (and I have always been what you would call a cardio junkie), this one felt GOOD for me. All the pulling and stretching and lengthening have strengthened me, both mentally and physically. I have stuck to it eight times a month for the past six months, and it hasn't felt like work. I will eventually go back to some kind of cardio, but for now, this is exactly what I need.
Friday, November 09, 2018
Monday, November 05, 2018
Halloween 2018
My favorite holiday! No seriously, it is up there with Christmas and my birthday. :)
I took PTO not only one but two days. Olivia is Snow White again this year but unlike last year, she got REALLY into it! Our friends came over and we trick-or-treated all over the neighborhood. Running from house to house. My new neighborhood didn't disappoint. And we couldn't have asked more perfect weather! Olivia really isn't all that interested in the candy, just the idea of hunting and gathering.
I took PTO not only one but two days. Olivia is Snow White again this year but unlike last year, she got REALLY into it! Our friends came over and we trick-or-treated all over the neighborhood. Running from house to house. My new neighborhood didn't disappoint. And we couldn't have asked more perfect weather! Olivia really isn't all that interested in the candy, just the idea of hunting and gathering.
A little crew with Kelvin and Ella
Isla skipped out on trick or treating this year because of a cold, first one this fall.
Little Apple stayed home.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
One of my podcasts had a parenting expert on. She pointed out that parents today struggle with uncertainties unlike any before - climate change, politics, social media. We over compensate by tightening our grips around our little domain. As a result, we become hyper-critical control freaks.
Sounds about right.
Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. Six years ago, S and I flew to San Francisco and spend one chilly Monday morning at the City Hall with Alex and Alex of IQ photo (they are witnesses on our wedding certificate). To this day, that is one of my favorite days of our relationship, one of my favorite adventures of us.
Sounds about right.
Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. Six years ago, S and I flew to San Francisco and spend one chilly Monday morning at the City Hall with Alex and Alex of IQ photo (they are witnesses on our wedding certificate). To this day, that is one of my favorite days of our relationship, one of my favorite adventures of us.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Life Lately...
When you are so behind in blogging and in life that the only proper title to sum it all up is... lately... That's where I am. It has been a hectic stretch of days and weeks, leading right up to my FAVORITE season and FAVORITE month. Fall! October!

Sweet baby Isla is 8 months old. She can do nothing wrong. We are all so in love with her, Olivia especially. She refers to her as "my baby", and it melts my heart every single time. Isla is sitting tall, still a tiny bit wobbly, and no where ready to crawl. So what if both of my babies inherited my athletic genes (or lack thereof)! There is nothing Isla doesn't love to eat- homemade, store bought, chunky, smooth... you name it, she will open her little mouth and gobble it all up.
Shortly after turning 8 month, we discovered one baby tooth. That one tooth is keeping me on my toes during nursing. I'm still nursing Isla. My current (ever-shifting) goal is Christmas. Hoping to get her further through the winter season. And maybe, trying to hold on to these sweet baby days a bit longer.
Finally a good school picture! At the same time... but wait, is my baby so big??
Our annual family pictures turned out... just ok... It was soooo hot. I don't have a single good one of the girls alone because, well, Isla wasn't feeling it. Shortly after this one was taken Isla fell backwards and Olivia caught her. We told O good job, to which O replied - she is my baby.
I am full of mood swings these days. There are so much joy, so much cuteness, so much passive aggressive nagging, so much appreciation of my husband but just as much dissatisfaction and overall wishing for more. I suppose this is life. Katie Couric once said to know when you are in the sweet spot in life - that moment in time when your children are young and your parents are healthy. That me! That's where I am. Face it, this may be as good as it gets. If so, I am content. More than that, I am grateful.
Monday, August 06, 2018
On Destin, sickness, and new resolution
For a few hours yesterday, I contemplated starting a mood stabilizer. While I have always been short tempered and kind of accepted myself as such, my fuse has been especially easy to designate. Two days, two trips to the emergency room. Isla not sleeping well. My mom not here to help. It all added up. I hear myself yelling and see Olivia crying, but still feel numb and resigned. Low point in motherhood and life in general.
Thus my resolution - stop yelling. Period.
24 hours in. I'm doing pretty well.
First trip to Destin and everyone survived. Olivia had the time of her life. So much so I'm already planning my next beach trip for next year! Little Isla did not enjoy herself one bit. Only place she was happy was in my arms.
Destin sand. So soft and fine.
zoom in on Isla's face. Little thing shriveled in the sun.
Oh, and Isla turned 6 months old! She can (kind of) flip from belly to back. I know it's a bit late but trying my best not to worry. I mean, look at that face. She is perfect.
Here is the big girl, all brave in the ER. It was our first, and I hope last, trip there. It was just a 24 hour stomach virus, but she had a fever and malingered about stomach hurting. So... I raced home after work and took her to get checked out. Half a Zofran and popsicle later, good as new. Sigh...
OMD is going through a sea world phase. It is all about seals and dolphins and mermaids everyday. She also misses my mom terribly. Yesterday she asked grandma for money to go visit Nai Nai. My mom was moved to tears.
O has a best friend in school. Her name is Eve. I am far too excited about her BFF, already planning play dates and dreading the day they will go separate ways. Calm down Tian. She is 3.
Saturday, July 07, 2018
Better late than never...
Life is moving along at hyper speed these days. I find myself looking into the end of summer and realizing these days of having my mom around doing everything and taking care of everybody is almost over. Also Isla starting school, I can barely complete that thought...
This book has taken me a shamefully long time to read. It is so good that everytime I pick it up, I don't want to put it down!! There is a pile of books to move on to, yet I am reading at the pace of a snail.
Also, I got my first library card since high school. I took OMD last week and she checked out two books. I hope to spend many many more hours there reading to my girls. This first trip, however, she was more interested in the Legos.
I have been baking/cooking a lot. I made the Bee Sting Cake by Smitten Kitchen twice in one test run (and really want to make it again) and Dorie Greenspan's Lemon Spice Visiting Cake (which is very forgiving and can be changed up many ways). The texture of both cakes are to die for. I find myself buying piles of banana and trying out all kids of recipes. Next up, this!
ALSO... little Isla turned five months on 7/5.

Isla started trying foods a couple weeks after turning four months old. She is loving everything we put in her mouth, and eagerly gobbles it all up! There followed are some constipated days, but a regimen of peach, prunes, and spinach seems to get things moving along.
Still sleeping through the night (mostly), still smiling at everyone, still chubby little rolls everywhere, and still making noises that are somewhere between a baby and a bird.

These moments are not spontaneous... O isn't too interested in cuddling up to Isla just yet. But the love you see here, a hundred percent real.
This book has taken me a shamefully long time to read. It is so good that everytime I pick it up, I don't want to put it down!! There is a pile of books to move on to, yet I am reading at the pace of a snail.
Also, I got my first library card since high school. I took OMD last week and she checked out two books. I hope to spend many many more hours there reading to my girls. This first trip, however, she was more interested in the Legos.
I have been baking/cooking a lot. I made the Bee Sting Cake by Smitten Kitchen twice in one test run (and really want to make it again) and Dorie Greenspan's Lemon Spice Visiting Cake (which is very forgiving and can be changed up many ways). The texture of both cakes are to die for. I find myself buying piles of banana and trying out all kids of recipes. Next up, this!
ALSO... little Isla turned five months on 7/5.

Isla started trying foods a couple weeks after turning four months old. She is loving everything we put in her mouth, and eagerly gobbles it all up! There followed are some constipated days, but a regimen of peach, prunes, and spinach seems to get things moving along.
Still sleeping through the night (mostly), still smiling at everyone, still chubby little rolls everywhere, and still making noises that are somewhere between a baby and a bird.

These moments are not spontaneous... O isn't too interested in cuddling up to Isla just yet. But the love you see here, a hundred percent real.
A haircut for the summer! When she walks into a room S and I do a double take. Who is this little beauty?! Where did my baby go...
Ice cream cone only please. May she always know exactly what she wants and boldly asks for it.
A weekend on the lake of Co Vien, uncle David, and Natalie... all by herself!
Monday, April 30, 2018
Isla at (almost) 3 months and Olivia at 3.
I went back to work on April 13th, Isla was about 10 weeks old. It was a very smooth change for all, and I give all credit to my mom. In truth, I can't imagine doing any of these without her. Good thing Mother's Day is coming up. I already got her an obligatory grandparent photo present (shutterfly coffee mug with the kids' pictures) but also plan to get some of these, she loves them!
I have heard of babies so quiet that you forget they are in the room. I just didn't believe them until now. Maybe because Olivia is so loud?? Isla is a sweet sweet baby. At almost 3 months old (another week), she smiles on command and coo coos to us when we talk to her. Nai nai and mom melt on the spot. She is also a good sleeper (at least by my standard). She only wakes up once to eat in the middle of the night (somewhere between 2 and 4AM). She loves her little swing she inherited from uncle Hyler.
Finally, she seems to be over her first baby cold. It was the saddest little thing to see snot dripping out of that tiny little nose. Thank goodness for nose frida, that's all I have to say.
Finally, she seems to be over her first baby cold. It was the saddest little thing to see snot dripping out of that tiny little nose. Thank goodness for nose frida, that's all I have to say.
Olivia is finally potty trained!! This three-ager phase is no joke, but here we are, knee deep. She doesn't seem like a baby anymore, but a little girl with big ideas and big opinions. Her favorite thing to says is "mommy i don't want to".
Next month, she will be taking her first flight and going on her first trip without me!! What was I thinking??! I know she is in good hands with grandma and Natalie, but still... who will force her to eat her prunes and floss her teeth? We will see how potty trained she really is...
Finally reading this book. So far, it is heart-wrenchingly beautiful...
Thursday, March 08, 2018
This year has been filled with changes for O. First, she became a big sister. Then, new house. Last but most nerve wrecking of all, she started at a new school. To say I was nervous is a gross understatement. Olivia has been at the same school since she was 5 months old. We know every teacher from the baby class to the toddler class, and everyone knows her. I waited and waited before finally giving the 30 day notice. I cried. Just last night I received a letter from the old school asking how Olivia is doing. Changes are hard.
First day at new school. Olivia is doing surprisingly well. She hasn't made any new friends yet. The teacher tells me she is quite comfortable playing by herself, but will speak to others when needed. haha, not sure how to take that. She has been this chipper most days I drop her off. Still though... I hope my baby makes friends soon.
Isla ONE month
Isla turned one month old this week. S's mom came over to do the traditional one month blessing. Seems like yesterday she did it for Olivia. As baby number two, I'm acutely aware of all the things we don't do for Isla. We don't even swaddle her! I'm so glad grandma took the time for this ritual, a little ceremony all for my baby.
Things I give up while breast feeding -
1. most of my tops could not accommodate these new and enlarged boobs. I have about three on constant rotation.
2. going anywhere for more than 3 hours at a time.
3. sleeping for more than 3 hours at a time.
4. dairy and caffeine!
Things Isla does at one month -
1. hold her little head up and turn it side to side, making the cutest grunting noises the whole time.
2. hit my face and grab my shirt if I don't feed her on time.
3. eat every four hours or so, give or take.
4. smiles for just a couple seconds, enough to melt hearts.
5. spits up, a lot. Hoping giving up dairy would help.
Things I give up while breast feeding -
1. most of my tops could not accommodate these new and enlarged boobs. I have about three on constant rotation.
2. going anywhere for more than 3 hours at a time.
3. sleeping for more than 3 hours at a time.
4. dairy and caffeine!
Things Isla does at one month -
1. hold her little head up and turn it side to side, making the cutest grunting noises the whole time.
2. hit my face and grab my shirt if I don't feed her on time.
3. eat every four hours or so, give or take.
4. smiles for just a couple seconds, enough to melt hearts.
5. spits up, a lot. Hoping giving up dairy would help.
beautiful ceremony grandma prepared on the Monday Isla turned one month old.
Olivia is giving me a run for my money these days. It doesn't help that I'm sleep deprived (and hormonal?). Someone has to be the bad cop, and I take on that role gladly. Honestly I have always been the bad cop. This morning was 37 degrees and she refused to put on her coat, telling me that her coat isn't pretty and she needs a new one. Seriously?! I created a little monster.
thank goodness for nai nai, who dots on Olivia unconditionally. Here nai nai made a little bunny bun ball, which O. devoured.
Ice cream date on a sunny day.
baking with mommy, right before I had to give up dairy.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Isla Do
A little bundle of joy slipped quietly into our lives on 2/5/2018 at 11:30AM.
Isla Xuan Do. 6lb 2.8 ounces, 18.5 inches long.
Isla Xuan Do. 6lb 2.8 ounces, 18.5 inches long.
We are still amazed how much she looks like her bigger sister, especially when she is sleeping (here is Olivia, one day old).
Isla loves to eat, sleep, poop, in no particular order and sometimes all at the same time. She was born with long/sharp fingernails that I finally clipped and has an outie belly button which no one else in the family does. She is so quiet that sometimes we forget she is in the room. Mostly she is perfect and we devour her sweet newborn smell as much as we can. S told me the other day to enjoy it because it's the last time we will have a newborn. So true...
It took awhile for O to warm up to Isla. In the beginning she seemed happy there is a baby in the room, but really wants nothing to do with her. Gradually, she begins to show affection. She likes to tickle the baby and say "hi little cutie". She also points to my belly and asks me "is there any more babies in there?"
Mostly, O is unaffected by her little sister, except at night when she wants to sleep with me. Thank goodness for Nai Nai. How people manage without extra help, I do not know.
O giving kisses to her little sister.
Friday, January 19, 2018
37 weeks...
Things looming ahead of me in the beginning of 2018 -
1. Give birth
2. Close on house
3. Get washer/dryer/fridge/curtains and settle into this said house
4. Move O into new school and hope she doesn't become traumatized by all the changes in such a short period of time.
Isla, our new upcoming baby, is doing considerably well considering all the stresses in my life and work. I hope she is as chilled in life as she is in utero.
Olivia, my existing toddler, is giving me a taste of the feisty three. Some days I do well not to spank her and leave her on the side of the street.
Me: Olivia, who do you love more, mommy or daddy.
O: Daddy.
Me: Olivia, who do you love more, mommy or nai nai.
O: Nai Nai.
No I didn't cry. I know she loves me. And perhaps I shouldn't even be asking these questions but she is so cute in answering them with her unhesitating honesty.
1. Give birth
2. Close on house
3. Get washer/dryer/fridge/curtains and settle into this said house
4. Move O into new school and hope she doesn't become traumatized by all the changes in such a short period of time.
Isla, our new upcoming baby, is doing considerably well considering all the stresses in my life and work. I hope she is as chilled in life as she is in utero.
Olivia, my existing toddler, is giving me a taste of the feisty three. Some days I do well not to spank her and leave her on the side of the street.
Me: Olivia, who do you love more, mommy or daddy.
O: Daddy.
Me: Olivia, who do you love more, mommy or nai nai.
O: Nai Nai.
No I didn't cry. I know she loves me. And perhaps I shouldn't even be asking these questions but she is so cute in answering them with her unhesitating honesty.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Cooking Lately -
I was going to attempt this sheet pan chicken recipe and realized I bought sour cream instead of yogurt. Sigh. Instead I googled for some kind of chicken dish that doesn't require me going back out to the store... and came across this.
Not bad.
Quicker than roasting and pretty tasty.
I sautéed some potatoes that Olivia devoured. Not bad for a lazy Wednesday.
Tuesday, January 09, 2018
2018... Here you are.
As I'm entering the second half of my 30's, it helps to have one (soon to be two) babies to remind me that there is a lot to be gained by aging. It's hard to begrudge the fleeing of my youth when in exchange, I see Olivia getting bigger each day. It is a blessing to be alive. So 2018, beyond all hefty goals and expectations, I hope to simply stay healthy and strong for my babies.
I worked Christmas 2017. Olivia got her long talked about tricycle but her legs are too short to reach the pedals. She puts her horse on the tricycle then pushes it all around the townhome. It is too cute for words. The top hit of her all presents is an ice-cream truck from S's friend Dave and a Pladoh set S got her. Many many hours were spent dishing out ice cream cones.
As I'm entering the second half of my 30's, it helps to have one (soon to be two) babies to remind me that there is a lot to be gained by aging. It's hard to begrudge the fleeing of my youth when in exchange, I see Olivia getting bigger each day. It is a blessing to be alive. So 2018, beyond all hefty goals and expectations, I hope to simply stay healthy and strong for my babies.
I worked Christmas 2017. Olivia got her long talked about tricycle but her legs are too short to reach the pedals. She puts her horse on the tricycle then pushes it all around the townhome. It is too cute for words. The top hit of her all presents is an ice-cream truck from S's friend Dave and a Pladoh set S got her. Many many hours were spent dishing out ice cream cones.
Lastly, my parents came for New Years and watched Olivia while Steve and I went to a Falcons game at the new Mercedes Benz stadium. It was my Christmas gift to him and we had a blast. I forgot how much fun it is to spend time alone with this guy. FUN time. Not running errand all around town and maybe squeeze in a meal time. I don't know what having two kids will mean for us. I can't imagine having even less quality time than we already do. But I know somehow there is light at end of the baby/toddler tunnel... somehow we will come out of the other end... older, more wrinkles, but still us.
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