Olivia turned seven months old September 11, 2015. My mom is visiting and we had our regular (somewhat unsuccessful) mini photo session for my baby. Olivia is a fast turner now and can flip around 365 degrees in bed. I often wake up in the middle of the night with her little feet kicking my back. Often I'm too tired to re-position her. Hours later, she is completely upside down. It is very cute. We are poised to start sleep training soon! She is still wobbly when sitting unassisted and still has no teeth. But, notice the hair? It is nothing to brag about but I'm excited.
The biggest milestone this month, I suppose, is that I'm finally stopping breast feeding. I packed away my (three) pumps, various parts, bottles, etc into zip lock bags and stashed them deep in my closet. I hope when it's time to unpack them again (god willing), I will be mentally and physically ready to give it my best shot once again. For I have done that, despite all the struggles, given BF my best. When I think about Olivia BF (the times she has done so peacefully and cooperatively), it is not without nostalgia. I will never experience that bond with this baby again. But then I remember all the howling, screaming, tears, and her little arms flailing around rejecting the boob, and once again I am happy at the end of this era.
Olivia also caught her first cold right around middle of August, and has been under the weather ever since. For the past four weeks she has been snotty, coughing, and had an episode of conjunctivitis. Poor baby does her best to keep the smile on her face, but hates the suction bulb with a passion. We have a continuous delivery of bibs at our front door and lots of snot flying. I haven't taken her to the doctor yet. I still think it's just a cold. Also because I have similarly been sick for the past month. I figure it's some kind of super bug she passed to me and she will get over it when I get over it.
Olivia's first injury. While I was away on my Scottsdale girls weekend, she slipped out of her bouncy seat onto the floor. We are all blaming ourselves (except Steve, I don't think he blames himself). My mom is devastated. Olivia is ok though. Other than the bruise, she does not appear hurt.